Latest Manga Comic One Piece Chapter 588 - Laut Sabo. A boy named Monkey D. Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red-Haired" Shanks, sets out on a journey to find the legendary treasure One Piece, to become the new Pirate King. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line. Luffy captains the Straw Hat Pirates first through the sea of East Blue and then through the Grand Line. He follows the path of the deceased Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, from island to island on his way to the great treasure One Piece. On his way his crew grows to have a swordsman and first mate Zoro, a navigator Nami, a sniper Usoopp, a cook Sanji, a doctor Chopper, an archaeologist Robin, a shipwright Franky, and a musician Brook.
During the course of the story, the crew contend with both other less moral pirate crews and the Navy.
The latter are the subordinates of the World Government, who apparently seek justice by ending the Golden Age of Pirates. Many background story elements involve the delicate balance of power between the World Government and the world's most powerful pirate crews. Categories: Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen.
39 coment:
@All visitor dan sahabat blogger ezha...saya punya postingan baru...yang di dalamnya ada komik2 yang bukan cuma naruto lhoo ... ^^ ada one piece juga...selamat menikmati
one peace aq g pernah lihat filmnya kurang begitu suka, kl captain Tsubasa.... pasti deh aq lahab sampai habis
@Rizky : Captain Tsubasa ya...? hmmm aku cari deh sobb just for u
ok deh sob tak tunggu, kl komik aq cuma suka captain tsubasa sama dragon ballz yg versi GT
One piece kartun yang penuh dengan karakter-karakter. slah satunya Setiap tokoh kartun dalam cerita mempunyai kekuataan2 yg beda dr tkoh2 lainnya..
Up-date lg y!. Q tunggu he,
minta request apa nih kalau aq bisa akan aq penuhin
nah gitcu dong, ada comic avatar ga za?
sob coba kamu ikuti tutorial ini semoga bisa membantu, maaf aq g biusa nerapin d blog aq
dan juga cobain ini
semoga bisa membantu
wah maaf sob aq masih belum pengen jadi blogger matre, ok deh aq akan coba ikutan dulu soapa tahu blog q d terima, kl aq ada info tentang hal ini akan aq post, kyanya dah banyak sob yang post program yg kamu ikuti
@Fenomena Alam : weleh..avatar mah dari nckeledeon aa...hhe
@Rizky 2009 : makasih atas semuanya ya sobatku...kamu sangat membantu blog ini
Sayang aku gak terlalu suka baca komik. :)
Mampir dini hari sob..wah one face ni ane jarang nnton tv seru ni kisah2 na...ane ijin pasang link na d blok ane sob..thnxs
makasih dah pasang link saya di blog ini, link sobat juga sudah saya pasang di blog saya...jgn lupa kunjungannya lagi ya...
Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills
Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills
Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills
Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills
Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills
keren neyh....
pacce ji... lebih lengkap komik one piece gue....
bnyk jg yg hobi kolksi manga ini..
q ska bnget dgn chapter 498..
luffy the king of pirates has come..
wah ceritanya update lagi dong ,, ,
ane udah baca one piece yang ini . . .
di tunggu pas si ace nya mati
Nice Article, inspiring. Aku juga suka nulis artikel bidang Bisnis dan Kesehatan di blogku : http://, silahkan kunjungi, mudah-mudahan manfaat
lnjutanx lg donk stelah 3D2Y kok lm bnget udah nunggu sbulan nich pdhal jnjinya 3 mnggu kn.. ane dimari gan
perkenalkan bang q blogger baru
klo tempat donlod komik manga yang apdet dmane yah
ada info manga award terbaru. liat di blog ane
wah ceritanya update lagi dong ,, ,
ane udah baca one piece yang ini . . .
di tunggu pas si ace nya mati
thx buad sharenya mas...
Narutopedia Express is exclusive encyclopedia about everything in naruto anime like character biographies, jutsu, hidden village, handseal, jinchuriki, akatsuki, and other skills
cerita bajak laut yang ingin mencari sebuah pulau green land...penuh dengan perkelahian melawan musuh2 yang suka membuat kehancuran..
sekarang onepiece sudah tidak tayang lagi di TV kita nih..padahal seru banget tuch petualangannya
Rufi ,, kapan nih ada adventure one peace terbaru ..
Nice gan ..
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